How have you been?
Thank you for the great response to ‘The Art of Facilitation‘ class. It is now available in the shop for purchase.
Releasing excess weight
Weight loss is big business in the industry and here I am doing a free video for you to release the excess weight by letting go. Are you sceptical? How about giving it a try:
The feeling of wanting is what stands between you and what you desire. I strongly recommend that you watch the video and use the technique for anything you like to create.
Peace, calm and intimacy, anyone?
Light key protocols combine the vibrations of the light keys and light key frequencies to offer quick relief from specific life issues.
I am offering two of these protocols for the price of one. On the 27th of Feb, I am going to be teaching the following two protocols:
Baby sleep light key protocol combines the vibrations of the light keys, light key frequencies and light key processes to soothe the energy and calm the nerves and create a deep state of relaxation and sleep.
Apart from relaxation and sleep, this protocol can be practised to release physical and emotional stress, anxiety and depression.
This protocol is likely to contribute to physical and emotional intimacy – especially when both the partners practice this.
Belief clearing light key protocol combines the vibrations of the light keys and light key frequencies to clear the limiting beliefs that prevent you from creating the desired life.
Hope you will take advantage of this two for one offer and join me in the class:
Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.
Until I see you somewhere some time, take great care of yourself
In appreciation of you,