How is it going?
We have been having too much fun with colouring. India group completed 29 lightlogues in 2 days including a few children! Awesome experience. Every logue gives me an immense sense of gratitude! You know, gratitude heals! If you like to have a lightlogue created for your country for free, you got to just mobilize a group of 21 people living in your country and request me to channel! Simple.
After Israel, the USA, India, and the UK have received a lightlogue. Malaysia is in the process of mobilizing the group. I wonder which country is next!
Body clock?
When I woke up yesterday, the question that popped into my head was ‘What if body clock is a lie?
If there is no time component in the body, would we age? Ah… wouldn’t it be amazing if we can choose to change our body as we like instead of being at the effect of the time?
Well, I got an awareness of command to clear the effect of time elements from the body. I am going to be running that on the 3rd call of the Gorgeous You series on Thursday. What magic can that create for our bodies? This call is about ending the conflict with your body. This is what a participant say about this series: “
I have noticed my neck getting thinner and from my weight loss my neck was bothering me. It is lifting. I have another interesting thing happening that lets me know the fat is leaving my body. This is a brilliant class.”
You can join just this call or the series:
Upcoming events:
Light Key Protocol facilitators training:
Weekly light key vortex meditations:
Light medicine series:
For your ease, we are enclosing the schedule of upcoming events

Free Group Events:
Joyous Body – Free group healing session!
Free Group Coaching call
Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.
What more magic can we create together?
In appreciation of you,