Mother Mary’s Purple Diamond

One fine day when I was working in the cozy corner in my office, I saw a vision of Mother Mary with infant Jesus. Mother gave me a big Purple Diamond and said that she was very happy with me. You see, my visions are not physical. They are mental images and movies. Those were early days of my spiritual work and I thought I was going nuts – ‘How can such a great soul come to a tiny soul like me?’ was my suspiscion. Besides, I had never heard […]

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Satori and me

My spiritual guides spoke thro’ me for the first time in a trance workshop. My voice changed and I felt physically expanded when I was in trance. After the workshop I forgot all about them because I did not realize that they were my guides. Oneday, in the mediumship circle we were asked to meditate and get the name of our Spirit guides. In the meditation I saw some angels coming down and when I asked for their name they laughed and said, “you humans always want to put a […]

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