Create a Blessed Life

Create a Blessed Life

You might have heard, that where all effort fails, blessings work.

You might be wanting to achieve some goals in health, relationships, business. While you might be doing fabulously in many aspects, there might be a little something that refuses to change.

How about harnessing the power of blessings to set the stage for you to get your life rolling?

Facilitators Deepa and Tamanna, and Expert healer Raina are coming together to offer 11 days of blessings for prosperity, harmony, self-love, mastery, health, expansion, and more.

The event is starting TODAY!

Go here to know more and register: 

“Lots and lots of release of emotions..identities. I came to this class with not much information but after getting all the blessings n contribution from all the lovely healers I could say this is an amazing class. Gratitude 🙂 Thank you everyone what a blessing..awesome”

“Miracle happened I received 1 lakh rupees as a gift from my son today after your 3rd blessings . Thank you Nila for all the blessings. ❤️”

“This protocol has been a game changer – the relationship dynamics within my family and me changed for the better.And in my private sessions – Have seen how clients receive new awareness- they have been in awe of their own release.”

❤️Can your relationship start afresh? 

We all have moments and relationships that might be feeling stuck at times. Like you want a breakthrough, start afresh or simply change the monotony in them.

What greatness would show up if you function from the present moment of choice and freedom instead of defined standards and attachments? How great relationships will be then!

Join an amazing protocol with Facilitator Suguna – Light Key Protocol for Clearing Unhealthy Relationships.

Go here to know more and register: 

“Did – clearing of unhealthy relationship protocol- yesterday , 1 hour later someone contacted me ( .y daughters family which I stopped all contact ) – started to blame and shame me for my actions and choices which obviously do not include this family  I was able to stay in my reality – say clear that I am not available for these kind of games anymore and stopped the conversation  so happy and grateful for this protocol and me choosing it to create a life without those distracting and truly unhealthy relationships – what else is actually possible now”

“It’s an amazing Protocol. I love practicing it. We do tend to create Unhealthy attachments to people, concepts, beliefs, emotions. This comes in handy whenever I sense i am vesting in something and it’s unhealthy”

“It is a very beautiful course. Few days ago, I was tired and feeling heaviness. I ran the protocol and woke up better than before. It greatly helps me deal with reactions in case I end up eating something wrong owing to my food sensitivities.”

❤️As Good as Gold

We all love gold! It is not just pretty and precious, but has therapeutic properties. It is a brain boosting tonic, and also imparts vitality.

Would you like to open up to receive the energies and vibrations of elemental gold? 

You can receive from not just the physical gold but from the element as well. And also receive gold!!

Nila, who can harness magic from all realms with her awareness is going to lead us to ‘Receive from Gold’

This call is completely free for the youtube members who have chosen the LIMITLESS level. This membership costs just 14.99$ per month which includes weekly healing sessions with expert healers + numerous video classes, exercises, meditations & Transmissions. It’s a no brainer, right? Here is where you can subscribe to Limitless:

Join Here:

The other option is to  choose this individual class. To register, go here: 

❤️Trance Healing with Light Matrix

Light Matrix has been opening up magical possibilities. 

Get ready to experience the much sought after state of Trance with Light Matrix. 

This state is incredibly healing as it induces you to go deep, beyond the mind, where you become free from conditioning. 

Restore flow and wellbeing with this amazing call with Nila – the awareness queen.

Go here to register for the call. If you have done any Light Matrix calls before, you might be eligible for some deep discounts. 

“Wow..I just put the paper by my window..the energy from it is crazy..I am feeling a bigger shift..”

“I am amazed at my stamina and speed during my exercises after creating a grid for it. What more magic is possible for all of us”

“For the 2 full grids I did so far, and then threw them, I saw many changes – and totally not in the way I thought it would… not even directly in the subject itself!”

Check our website for calls and recorded trainings: 

Not sure where to start with Light Keys? Talk to a Facilitator by filling out a request form at the end of the page at this link:

Check our offers curated with love, just for you:

Or, you can take any and all of our free courses:

Check our YouTube channel “Nila Mystic TV”

UK healer’s network:

Did you know that you can download the ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.

In appreciation of You,
Team Light Keys Wellness System