Do this exercise when nothing is working for you

Do this exercise when nothing is working for you

If you have tried everything and nothing seems to work, you may like to try this little exercise:

In this video, I talk about why self-help does not work for some people and how they can go beyond this and expand their horizons. If you have self-worth issues or limiting beliefs about yourself, you may not be willing to receive a contribution from you. Also, if you are in shame, you may think that you don’t deserve to have a life you desire.

This exercise might help you to find the core of the issue and gently move you beyond the hurdle.

Light key magic

Hi Nila
I want to say thank you to you for clearing energy block session which I attended on October. I joined the session for my issue childbirth in my mind. I keep on practicing the session for my health problems. Now I am conceived. I strongly believe that healing protocol cleared the block in my life where I got stuck. Whenever I got stuck in my career and life u helped me out. Thank you.

Isn’t wonderful to receive such messages? Wouldn’t you like to create such miracles?

Light key system has many self-study courses at a very reasonable price that can take you beyond your limitations quickly. Why don’t you check out some of the courses?

I also channeled a clearing and creation tool. When you want to change something, simply repeat the following statement and see how it lightens up:

My awareness level has gone up. For example, I know what someone will say, before they open their mouth. I know exactly what is going to happen in any situation in my life. Many such things. I can sense things before it takes form.

Why don’t you have a look:

I am doing Facebook live almost every day these days. Feel free to connect and listen. Here is my profile to connect:

Free support call

I am offering a free healing/support call on 31st. Please feel free to register:

Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.

In appreciation of you,
