Find your inner strength to heal yourself

Find your inner strength to heal yourself

How have you been?

A question to trigger your awareness – Where and when did you decide that you are weak?

Does this question remind you of an age when you first felt it? Would you like to clear it and move forward. Get facilitated by Nila, along with Susan, in this gifted facilitation. Link to the video at the end. Nurture your inner child, along the way.

If you would like to go deeper, you would love the Conscious embodiment course.

A Light Key practitioner discovered her superpowers using Conscious embodiment process – really! Her feedback below:

@Nirmala Raju Thanks for yesterday’s upgraded Conscious Embodiment class. As I went about my day today, there seemed to be a smokescreen in front of my eyes, and as I got down to working at my computer, vision became difficult. So I used the upgraded Conscious Embodiment process for my eyes and wowza🎉…what showed up blew me away! I’ve got some superpower capacities with my eyes that I’ve kept so secret that I wasn’t even aware of. Within 2 minutes, the “blurrinessdisappeared and my vision is clearer than before. Looking forward to saying goodbye to my glasses 👓 “

Would you like to discover your superpowers too? You can still purchase the recording from the below link and allow your body to have a treat!

Going Beyond time with Golden Globe of Kindness

Have you experienced the magical, meditative journeys led by Nila. It’s really an out- of-the-world experience. What more? This time it’s to experience the Golden Globe of Kindness.

We invite you to join Nila in this journey which would likely release parts of you stuck in different timelines and move you into the realization of your timeless existence. Be prepared to be blown away, as always!

Facilitator Training  courses coming up

An amazing opportunity to spread the joy and empowerment you have experienced as a practitioner.  You can choose one or all 3 coming up

1) Joyous Body Protocol 
Choose to spread the magic of the most celebrated light Key protocol 

2) Break Through Light Key Protocols
An awesome chance to facilitate 4 lifechanging protocols i.e.,

Light Key Protocol for

a) Attracting Money

b) Conscious Manifestation

c) Conflict Resolution and

d) Instant Relief.

3) Basic Light Key frequencies
An opportunity to distribute magic wands

Find your inner strength to heal yourself


Upcoming Classes:

Tuning into Christ’s Healing Energy – Certified

Advanced Light Key Protocol for Going Beyond Black Magic & Curses – Certified


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Are you wondering what more magic is available? Please visit our classes and shop for more details:

Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it

What more magic can we create together?

In appreciation of you,
IH Team