Vibrate differently — attract something different!

Vibrate differently — attract something different!

How have you been?

Would you like to change something that is bothering you – it can be anything? Try the video given at the end.

Light Key frequencies – for you!

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla.

Everything in this universe vibrates at a certain frequency – solids, liquids, vapour, animals, plants – even each human organ has a different frequency. Vibrate at a different frequency if you would like to attract something different in your life. Did you know you can receive contribution from other frequencies to raise your vibration?

Light Key system introduces you to very potent frequencies, which when you tune into can create great shift in your body, life and being. A beautiful feedback from a Light Key frequency practitioner:

“I was getting my bp taken today….didn’t expect that. I don’t like getting my BP taken. started calling in frequencies. And was controlling the outcome. It was 160/100. Yikes..that was what control looks like I said to myself. Then after some chiropractic adjustments she said I am going to take it again. I just sat there..called in fluid balance protocol and SRF and any other frequency that would like to contribute… not controlling..just willing… my BP went down to 140/ was amazing.. These protocols and frequencies are right there for us..cause that was a huge shift..”

Amazing, right? Would you also be willing to receive from the universe? If yes, join us in the Light Key frequency class to learn simple process to tune into these magical frequencies.

Retreat with your body

Don’t miss out on our free session – Retreat with your body! It’s tomorrow and absolutely no strings.

Upcoming classes:

How to be a crowd puller!

De-constructing illnesses with Star Matrix

Awareness Development Circle 5D Intensive

Light Keys for Life and Beyond – Intermediate Course V3

Exercise to shift anything:


Our free groups:

We cordially invite you to join our ‘Light key mastery’ public group with Nila/Nimi.



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Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it

What more magic can we create together?

In appreciation of you,
IH team