Would you release your attachment to slavery?

Would you release your attachment to slavery?

How have you been?

Would you release your attachment to slavery?! We live in a free world where slavery is a non-existent– right? Or are we slaves of our own limiting beliefs? You will gain deeper awareness as you listen to Nila’s facilitation where she gently nudges Sunali to look deeper. Video link is at the end.

Would you like to delve deeper into what is limiting you?  ‘Going beyond the greatest of addictions’ call may be just for you!

Going beyond the greatest of addictions

“Defining yourself through thought is limiting yourself. Give up defining yourself – to yourself or to others. You won’t die. You will come to life.”Eckhart Tolle

How have you defined yourself? Beautiful / dark / fair / kind / loving mom / full time working dad / responsible – seemingly ‘feel good’ ones but all these are labels too. As if our own labels of ourselves are not enough, we also buy into the projections from others to receive their approval – of course, most of us do it unconsciously. Still it becomes our burden to carry and defend.

More the labels, more the effort to defend them and less space for you to function from. Each definition is a structure you build around you!

Would you like to give up all that and choose from the space of freedom ?

Invite you to us in this group coaching call where some of us have moved mountains!

A participant from previous call shared :

“The call was amazingly good. Releasing siphons caused an amazing shift and gave a sense of peace “

Healing the invisible wounds – with Vortex of light

Still buzzing from the free Vortex of Light meditation? Amazing to see how it was received. Few feedback:

“Thank you this was magical”

“Thank you, Nila for the VOL meditation. Perfect timing for me – I just got a diagnosis of COPD minutes before and the mediation helped me let go of the attachment that was happening. So grateful!!”

Wonderful meditation Nila 🙏🏻 thank you thank you thank you”

Ready to go deeper? Someone wise said ‘The wonder of life begins in the womb of a woman. And womb is also the place where  you may have experienced every trauma your mom has under gone!

If you are feeling stuck no matter what you do – maybe it is a manifestation of some deep invisible wounds carried from significant past lives or from the womb of this life time. Is it time to bring it to your awareness and let it go?

Invite you to join this experiential call, led by Nila, where you can heal these deep invisible wounds with Vortex of Light and move forward with life!

Pamper your body with light medicine sessions

Are you looking for more light and lightness in your body? Too busy to make time? Pamper your body at the comfort of your home. Gift yourself these remote healing sessions  to reset, detox, regenerate and revitalize your beautiful body -– now available at a discount:

Level 1 Light Medicine Practitioner – Certified Course

Where are you in your Light Medicine journey?

Nila  is offering a live class for you to learn Detox Protocol for detoxing individual organs –  removing pathogens, toxins and any other foreign element using Light Key Frequencies, processes and commands.

Feel free to jump in.

If you would like to repeat this class, write to team@infinitehealing.co.uk to claim your discount code.

Would you release your attachment to slavery?


List of Upcoming Classes:

Advanced Light Key Blue Print Course (Certified)

Magic with vortex of light – Moving into Joy by releasing memories

Magic with vortex of light – Emotional balance and vitality


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Are you wondering what more magic is available? Please visit our classes and shop for more details:

Please visit infinitehealing.co.uk for more details

Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it

What more magic can we all create together?

In appreciation of you,
Infinite Healing Team