How are you? Are you able to find gratitude to heal the fear and panic that’s going on? I’m sure if you look deep enough, you can find gratitude in any situation. Light Vortex I wanted to share an amazing experience I had today. I was in the middle of my yoga session and suddenly the word ‘vortex of light’ came through. My body was blazing like a lightening and became as light as a feather. It started swaying in all directions and it continued for about 15 min. At […]
How are you? How are you coping with the pandemic and lockdown? Some of you have written to me that it is pretty terrifying. I would ask you to just go beyond that to have more ease. It may be easier said than done but it is absolutely true that only our resistance cause the suffering. Events are just events but the meaning and value we assign to the events cause the reactions in them. So, I simply request you to find something to appreciate about every second. Gratitude heals… […]
How are you? Did you try the psychic exercise? Not many of you sent me a response and so, I am going to wait for a few more days before revealing what’s in the box. Keep trying. I hope to see you in the Awareness Development Circle on Sunday: Gorgeous you I have first hand experience of losing weight using energy healing techniques and I am looking forward to coach the group to choose lightness of the body through simple techniques. In a series of 4 calls, we will […]
How are you?Thank you for participating in the psychic game. Interestingly, none of you got it right. 90% of you said it is a ring or piece of jewelry which is very far from the truth 🙂 This is how your mind can deceive you. It will only function from the information it has. In this case, it associated the cute box with the jewelry because that’s what it has seen most of the time. Being aware is going beyond the boundaries of mind and see things as it is […]
Hope you are treating yourself well. If you need any help in finding self-love, we are here to help. Please read on… you will find an insight that could change your life. Even otherwise, you can sign up for our free support sessions and benefit out of them. What’s good about being a psychic? Well, how many of you have concluded that you are not good enough to be successful? How many of you have decided that you just do not know how to get what you desire? How many […]
How are you? Hope you had a relaxing week end and looking forward to the month of May. If you are stressed for some reason or so tired of going on a loop, please read on. You may receive an encouraging insight from my experience. One baby step About 2 decades ago, I did not have any friends – literally none. My fortress was tightly shut and I was all alone inside. I hated life and God. Today, I have people around the world who care for me very deeply, […]
How have you been? Hope you are still keeping the vibration high. If you are having any challenge with that, I have something to help you. Light matrix command We are all part of the universe and we can command the elements of the universe to bring what we desire. This video will give you more details on this: Awareness is wealth If you have attended sessions or classes with me, you might have noticed that I talk about awareness a lot. My favourite phrase is, “Follow your awareness”. Well, […]
How are you? How are you treating life? Can you use a bit more ease? Effortless expansion Does your life seem like a perpetual wheel of “busy”ness? Does everything seem hard? Has it been a pattern? Do you believe in “No pain, no gain”? What if I tell you, you can change all these and expand joyfully? It’s not difficult at all… it is not another “chore” you need to do. You need to exercise your choice, you need to shift your focus. Every time you think a negative thought, […]
How are you? Are you flooding the planet with gratitude and contributing in healing? I am sure you do… Are you choosing slavery or mastery? Truth: Are you deriving your value from the money you have? If your answer is yes, well, you have made yourself a slave to money. What would you be without money then? Nothing, right? You have created the co-dependency. You will always be anxious whether the money is going to leave you, whether you have enough money to feel worthy etc. Would you be willing to […]
How are you? How is your vibration? Do you have difficulty keeping yourself afloat? Would you allow me to help you? Free coaching session I am offering a free group coaching session every month to offer my support to spread light and lightness across the planet. In these calls, I use the numerous modalities to lead the group to raise above their lows and align with the creative source. I might also facilitate some individuals if the energy calls for it. Please feel free to register and bring your friends […]