Receive From Other Realms of The Universe

Receive From Other Realms of The Universe

How have you been?

I thought I would share my journey with mediumship and channeling with you all.

5 major changes my mediumship training brought me.

  1. Right, if you did not know this – I mourned for my baby for 8 long years. Now I celebrate him, his life, his passing – everything about him because being a medium has helped me see that people don’t vanish. Their body might but the spirit lives on – they definitely do!
  2. I used to be terrified of death. Experiencing the spirit world has taken away the fear of death completely.
  3. Grief is very short-lived these days. Knowing that the loved ones are alive on the other side and being able to communicate with them gives you such a relief!
  4. The bliss I have experienced during channeling has given me so much hope and trust. Something to look forward to, something to become, and something to be!
  5. A global family of practitioners – my courses are in 97 countries! I didn’t do much to get to these countries. I just delivered what was given to me by the spirit and then the reach was taken care of!

I can keep going with the list… for now, hope this helps you make a choice 🙂

Mediumship training is a journey. You can kick start your journey with the class on Monday.

Connecting with Light Beings

This class will set you up with fundamentals and hence a strong foundation. This class has a bonus too – You can attend ’12 techniques to develop your psychic and mediumship abilities – part 1′ absolutely free.

I would love to bring forth my extensive experience in mediumship to contribute to your receiving from beings beyond this realm. I am doing a two-part class called ‘12 Techniques to Develop Your Psychic and Mediumship Abilities – Part 2 

In Part 1, you will learn 6 techniques to prepare, trust and practice your communication skills with other realms. In Part 2, you will learn 6 more techniques to expand your awareness and skills

You can jump into these calls to learn these techniques and practice yourself. Register here to expand your universe: 

We also have two Awareness Development Circles in June where we go on meditative journeys to expand awareness and also practice your mediumship/psychic skills:

Awareness Development Circle – Call 1 

Awareness Development Circle – Call 2

A blessed life
Have you signed up for 11 Days of Light Key Blessings yet?

As you all know, Light Key Blessings are powerful energy transmissions that can create swift magical shifts in your life. What can they create for your health, prosperity, relationships, and your spiritual journey?

Feedback from the Light key Blessings by Expert Healers Suguna, Elaine, and Jyoti
“It was magical.. I felt the energy reaching me, felt so good after this.. you are indeed a blessing an angel sent to us “

There is a Bonus Lucky Draw. You could be one of the 3 lucky people to win an $11 discount coupon to be used for future purchases.

Please Note: Registrations and payment for the sessions will close 3 hours before the event schedule on 1st June 2021.

What magic are you willing to unfold?

Register here: 

What Does Prosperity Mean For You?
Do you limit your definition of prosperity to money or does it mean more for you? Are you acknowledging the gifts of the universe? Are you living your authentic life? The Light Key Prosperity Activation Program enables you to activate your prosperity in 3 steps

  • Activate your desire
  • Identify and release blocks
  • Energize the seeds of desire to physicalize

It is certified too. I am doing this class after a long time and might not be doing this again anytime soon, as I am forever receiving new downloads and actualizing new classes.

If you have done this class before, you can repeat the class with me at a 50% discount. Email at for the discount coupon if you haven’t received the coupon already. 

Register here: 
Upcoming Classes

Vortex of Light Meditation For Holistic Wellbeing

Releasing Physical and Emotional Pain with Advanced Light Matrix Command 

Advanced Light Medicine  – Level 1 
Please feel free to explore free resources on our website:

To receive more insightful articles and resources to expand your life, please subscribe to our newsletter:

And YouTube channel “Nila Mystic TV”

Are you wondering what more magic is available? Please visit our classes and shop for more details:

Did you know that you can download the ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it

What more magic can we create together?

In appreciation of you,
IH Team