Who is the authority of your life?

How are you? Hope you are able to find gratitude and keep your vibration high. Authority of your life The most commonly used phrase in a light key class is ‘Use your own awareness‘. Why?Everyone’s path is unique; everyone is at a different stage of evolution. What may work for one may not work for another. Also, what works now may not work after 5 seconds because the universe is evolving all the time. The number of stars in the universe might change every second as stars die and be […]

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Exercise to release struggle

How are you? Keep your spirit up and soar high. Do you love struggling? Does life seem like a lot of work? Does it feel like you are going on an eternal loop? Well, the good news is that you can break all that and move into the flow effortlessly. The universe is abundant and effortless and there is no reason why every one of us, who is part of the universe, have to be struggling. The great old universe with numerous stars and galaxies to run does not struggle; […]

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Would you like to change lives?

How are you? Are you shining bright and lighting up the world? Changing lives is easy now “On request, I gave the free waves of kindness session to one of my friend’s wife yesterday. Today morning she called me first thing and mentioned she slept peacefully after years. Later she enquired in detail about the courses. Evening she registered for Blue print course. Yay – my first class and the journey is effortless.” This was a message from a new facilitator. You can have this too, if you choose. Becoming […]

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Free coaching call is coming up

How are you? How is your spirit? Hope you are finding ways to keep your vibration high. Best time to learn Light key frequencies Most of the time when I announce a new class I have only 10% of the information. When I start to write the manual, truly it writes itself. So much information flows and fits into a beautiful puzzle. While writing the manual for advanced light key frequency class, I just could not believe that this class is being offered at 33$. My mind criticized me a […]

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Turbocharge your immune system

How are you today? Did you get to attend the two free healing calls yesterday? If you have missed, you can catch up on the group joyous body healing from the link at the end of this email. I added a new element to the Joyous Body Protocol to turbocharge the immune system. Hope you enjoy! I wanted to share a good news with you. Light keys have reached two more countries in the last week. We roughly know that we have practitioners in more than 30 countries now. Light […]

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Are you willing to have money?

What’s up? How are you doing today? Are you sure you are willing to have money? Are you worried about money in these stressful times? However, are you willing to have all the money that you desire? If you are not willing to have money, then whatever work you do to create money will not be effective. The tools I have used in this video shows a way to shift energy about money: Hope this helps you remove your conflicts with money. Please let me know how it goes. Magic […]

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Would you like to be limitless?

How are you doing? What are you creating in the downtime? Are you using this time to grow in freedom? Limitless reality I have been more and more aware of our transition from 3-dimensional reality to limitless 5D reality. In 3D everything is linear. In 5D everything is one – you are one with the source. Now I realize that we have been preparing for this transition for the past 6 months through light key practices. All the downloads I have received so far are geared towards 5D. I am […]

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25% discount code

Hope you are doing well and using the lock down to your advantage. Heart ache and getting hurt If you are someone who gets hurt easily or get your heart broken easily, there may be parts of you you may be rejecting. The group coaching call on 07th is going to give you a whole lot of insights into rejection and help you move beyond it with ease. Is it time to set yourself free? You can register here for the call: https://www.infinitehealing.co.uk/event/going-beyond-rejection/ Peace, calm and awareness Our fortnightly awareness […]

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What can you receive from rejection?

How are you? Are you choosing more and more inner freedom? Let’s have some more insights for expanding, shall we? Receiving from rejection What does “Rejection” trigger in your world? How much of it do you handle with emotional reaction? If someone bypasses you, do you feel disrespected? If someone does not respond to your text message, do you feel neglected? If someone does not acknowledge your work, do you feel invalidated? How much of a self-judgment do you associate with “Rejection” by someone else? How easily do you go […]

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Last chance to claim 75% discount

How have you been? Are you using the lock down time to grow and expand? Are you aware that I have been doing many FB lives to support you with that? If not, please feel free to watch them from here: https://www.facebook.com/nila.raj.5 Acceptance Vs Allowance When I started my spiritual journey I used to often hear about acceptance and surrender. These words did not resonate with me because they felt like defeat. When the same concept was presented to me as ‘allowance’, I loved it. When I started practicing allowance, […]

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