How have you been? Are you following my daily FB lives? Are they useful to you? Beyond rejection I have a question for you: Wouldn’t you love to be rejected by Corona Virus now? If you have had a strong resistance to rejection, it may be time for you to let go and choose freedom, right… Rejection is not it looks like or interpreted as. What if you are not rejected by anyone but you are rejecting them? When you recognize that you are the one who has the remote, […]
If you have tried everything and nothing seems to work, you may like to try this little exercise: In this video, I talk about why self-help does not work for some people and how they can go beyond this and expand their horizons. If you have self-worth issues or limiting beliefs about yourself, you may not be willing to receive a contribution from you. Also, if you are in shame, you may think that you don’t deserve to have a life you desire. This exercise might help you to find […]
How is life in isolation? Perhaps, you would like to work on inner freedom in this lockdown period? As you may be aware, I am offering a free kids’ class and a group coaching session within the next 1 week. In fact, the fun class for kids starts in a few hours. I have a story for the kids and everyone who has a heart of a kid! Please feel free to register for these goodies: New tools Did you see the video clearing for removing virus, bacteria […]
This morning when I woke up, I had loads of awareness and I wanted to share it with you all immediately. I channeled this program from the Source of Light. Simply read these statements to invoke this healing program: Light matrix, Release and Remove any virus, bacteria or parasite that causes infection, inflammation and decay in my body. Invoke light and lightness across the planet. I am also enclosing an image you can print/store in your phone to remind you to use this program frequently. There is no upper or […]
How is the house arrest going? Are you enjoying the time off or complaining? Some of you might be a handful with your kids, right? Let’s distract them with a fun class on healing. It’s totally free… Bring them for the online class on 25th: A few days back, the Joyous Body Practitioners got together and offered group healing. It was a free call but you had to register. The session was received very well and we got amazing feedbacks. See one here: “OMG , my head was shaking […]
Shall we give the kids a healing wand when they are under lockdown 🙂 What magic would that create now? As you may be aware, I have channeled a healing system called Light keys. We have practitioners around the world benefiting from very simple yet extremely effective practices from this system. Well, I am still a kid at heart and I would like to empower the little ones with the little knowledge I have. I will be teaching them very simple practices to help themselves and help us all expand […]
Let’s try something different than what everyone else is doing. Let’s laugh, love and be very kind to ourselves and others right away. If anything is preventing you from doing that, please try this video: This light key protocol was channeled live – ie I did not plan what to do in advance when I started recording. I simply allowed the information to flow through. Seems like it worked. Have had great feedbacks. Give it a go! Would you like to experience magic? I wake up to messages from light […]
How have you been doing in this intense time on earth? If you are challenged, you may like to listen to this magical access consciousness clearing that could change anything for you: 5D reality For about 6 months I have been having awareness of 5D (5 dimensions) reality. I don’t exactly understand what it is but I have a sense that it is a higher vibrational reality where there is no limitation. It is the energy of the source of light & source of life! My awareness is that all […]
How have you been doing? Hope you are not dragged down by the panic and fear going on around the planet. If you are, please know that it could just be your awareness of other people’s heaviness. Just let go and rest. Right this morning, I was asked by The Spirit to start a Gratitude Healing Chain. Yes, gratitude heals and perhaps, that’s the vibration we require on the planet right now. I will write gratitude note for one person every day for 11 days and request them to do […]
How have you been doing? Claim your discount Hope you have been reading my messages about the ‘5 Life-Changing Light Key Protocols‘ class that I am offering at 75% discount (you pay 55$ instead of 220$. The first call covering pain relief and fluid balance is starting in a few hours (12th March, 11:00 AM EST/8:30 PM IST): Well, if you have missed the deadline for the first call, you can still register to receive the recording and manual. Light key protocols are awesome. Extremely effective! Here is a […]