How are you? Would you like to receive some healing today? No string attached… just join us and receive Joyous Body group healing from practitioners. It starts in a few hours. So, hurry: Life-changing opportunity Are you also aware of the Five life-changing Protocols class? All of these 5 protocols at a 75% discount: 1. Pain relief protocol2. Fluid balance protocol3. Glow and grow protocol4. Intimacy protocol5. Protocol for clearing unhealthy relationships See the feedback on one of these protocols: “Nila pain relief protocol is awesome u had done […]
Have you registered for the free group healing call on Tuesday? What have you got to lose, right? See what others are saying about Joyous Body Protocol that will be performed in the group call by the practitioners: “I got a throat pain with intensity 8 suddenly and if it was my old self I wld have got high fever and then 3 4 days of antibiotics.. But the new me with powerful JBP, I jst casually drew the kindness and master keys on my left tonsil, right tonsil and […]
Do you enjoy having a body or resent it? I was definitely one of the people who resented having the body. For me, body meant maintenance and it was a chore. In one of the classes in my training the facilitator asked, “Who is lucky? you having a body or the beings without the body?” and I obviously said, “The beings without the body” and then the facilitator asked, “Well, you have a car and someone does not. Who has more?” That conversation did open my eyes. I had not […]
What magic are you creating? I wanted to write to you about fear today. What if fear is where your power lies? What if whatever scares you is where your potency lies? Do you like to know more? Watch this video: In this video, I have shared why your fear could be a disguise of your potency. If you fear something it could well be your potency of excelling in the same thing. The fear that freezes you most could be the one that can give you the most freedom […]
Hope you are doing well. Earth Medicine Yesterday I did the protocol for energy block clearing. Unlike the day before, I did not use waves of kindness a lot. In the middle of the night, I woke up with pain with intensity 8/10. I got the awareness that suppressed energy was surfacing – that’s what the protocol does. I could not sleep and so I used Pain relief protocol. Man, it worked like magic. The pain came down to zero within minutes and stayed the same. After that, I was […]
How have you been? Fear and magic Fear used to rule my life. I used to be so afraid of many things until I came to realize that the fear could be a disguise of our own potency. The moment you start to acknowledge your capacities, you will see that the fear dissolves. You might be using the fear energy to keep you entrained with this reality. Magic is something that defies this reality’s rules and structure. Do you see the connection? What lies have you bought about this reality? […]
How are you? Thank you for reading and responding to my newsletter. I am very honoured. Transmuting Fear In life, one time or another every one of us would have experienced fear and some times even been frozen by fear. So, most of you would agree that fear has intense energy associated with it. What if this energy can be transmuted to creative or kind energy? If the energy which is as potent as freezing people can be converted to expand peace and harmony in the world, how would it […]
Is life going great for you? I wanted to let you know about the new video I have done for clearing the energy behind fertility issues. This is suitable for anything you may like to create not just a baby. Here is it for you: Just a day more of big discounts I have been offering life changing products at a heavy introduction offer (up5o 75%) as I wanted to get the light key products out in the world. The discounts are in place for 3 months now and it […]
Hope you are keeping well. One of the most frequently asked questions is about the effect of black magic and curses. In this video, I am demystifying the concept and offers access consciousness clearing to go beyond the concepts of black magic and curses.Would an infinite being choose to be at the effect of black magic?Where have you decided you cannot be evil, you will not be evil?What lies you are buying into about curses and black magic?What if cause-effect is a lie? Everywhere you have built your life from […]
Hope you are doing great! Let me share another magical story with you. 36 times the investment Recently when I had been to Las Vegas, Roulette kept coming to my mind. I was telling my hubby about that and when I got an opportunity in a practically empty casino on a road trip, I did bet! That was my first time on a Roulette and I didn’t know exactly how to play it. I randomly selected number 3. My hubby asked me very sceptically, “why did you choose number 3 […]