Stress Relief and Sleep

How have you been? Do you remember the diamond grid installation I wrote about last week? Since then my life has been super busy. I have been doing installations and attunements non-stop and working through the weekend to consult and catching up with my other workstreams. (You know, I run an IT company too, right?) I was kind of restless at the end of this busy weekend and the intensity was 8/10. I tried many tools and the intensity did not change very much. Then I remembered the so-called “Baby […]

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Make Money from Judgements

How are you? Thank you for your great response for the attunements. They are great Money…Money…Money Can you make money from judgements… yes, absolutely… See this video of my facilitation: In this video, I facilitate one of my clients to use judgements to her advantage. As you can see, the client smoothly and gently moves from very intense emotions to total lightness in a few minutes. Some feedback we received from my group coaching call: “I must say I am getting access tools at different level Nila, receiving judgments. hoo […]

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Diamond grid of prosperity

A few weeks back, I had written my experience with light grid installation by the Source of Light and Council of Light. Well, I experienced something new which was jaw-droppingly awesome. So excited to share this story with you all. Shreya had received prosperity attunement a few weeks back and it changed so much for her. She opted to receive it again and I gave it to her today. While doing that, I saw a stunning vision of prosperity and a new kind of energy grid being installed for Shreya. […]

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Releasing excess weight energetically

How have you been? Thank you for the great response to ‘The Art of Facilitation‘ class. It is now available in the shop for purchase.  Releasing excess weight Weight loss is big business in the industry and here I am doing a free video for you to release the excess weight by letting go. Are you sceptical? How about giving it a try: The feeling of wanting is what stands between you and what you desire. I strongly recommend that you watch the video and use the technique for anything […]

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Victimhood to Victorious

How have you been? I have been putting together some notes for the ‘Art of Facilitation‘ Class on 15th. I think I made a mistake of announcing it as a one-off class. It should have been a series I think  These are 6 sections that will be covered in the call as of now: 1. You as a facilitator – What to be & do2. Dynamics between you and your client3. In the session – How to be & do4. Your client’s journey from Victimhood to Victorious5. Don’ts6. Q & […]

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Crystalline wand worked

Have you been kind to yourself? The story of the wand Do you remember my earlier message about my journey to the Crystalline healing chamber and received a gift of a healing wand? The next day after this experience, my body was so tight and had severe aches like never before. Before going to sleep, I decided to check out the wand and I asked it (with loads of skepticism) to heal the tightness and aches. I got an awareness to lie face down in the typical massage pose and […]

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A magical hug from mother earth

Hope you have been taking care of yourself well. My recent mystical journey Rocks and mountains speak to me. You may have read about my earlier experience with Mount Tongariro of NZ but the recent experience was much more than that. I and hubby decided to take a road trip from Vegas last weekend. When he asked me what kind of road trip I wanted, of course, I answered a scenic mountain drive. His skillful plan took me on an amazing journey through the mountains of National parks in Nevada. […]

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Invitation to receive some joy!

What magic have you been creating? A lot has happened with light keys healing system since we launched in November. We have practitioners in over 25 countries and the content has grown exponentially. For this, I am grateful to you all. Most of the content is now available as self-study courses. However, several people are asking for in-person classes. Besides, many pracitioners who have benefited greatly from the practices are very much interested in spreading their joy. So, now it is time to open up the teaching programs to whoever […]

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Trip to Crystalline healing chamber

How are you today? I wanted to share a mystical experience that I had recently.I have been flying a lot this week and on my 3rd flight in two days, I decided to do a Merkaba meditation – just like that. Merkaba took me into a Light Portal which felt fuzzy with lightening in different colours and intensity. The ride was very cozy and the Merkaba then landed in a chamber. There I saw the kindness key in multi-dimension (not just 3D) and I was told that it was a […]

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Are you willing to support yourself?

How are you? I think I have written more newsletters in the past month than I have ever before. Interesting how easy it has become to me. Words just flow the moment I put my fingers on the keyboard. How does it get any better than this? There were some good questions on the ‘The ultimate truth?‘ video and this is a response to the wonderful questions: As you can see in the video, you can never understand the every expanding universe from a limited mind. By letting go of […]

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