Hope you have registered for the Light Key protocol for clearing the energy blocks! This is to gently remind you about the call tomorrow at 8:30 PM IST/ 10 AM EST. Please mark your calendar. What more magic can this create for you?https://www.infinitehealing.co.uk/event/light-key-protocol-clearing-blocks/ If you have not registered yet, please feel free to join us on this free call. This protocol will help you clear stuck energy in any area of your life.Click the link below to register: I channelled an audio visual for clearing the blocks to prosperity, vitality […]
How are you? As you can see, I have really been busy with calls and classes. Good to be busy – especially by doing what we love to do. I recently downloaded a Ligjt Key protocol for clearing energy blocks. I trailed it with some volunteers and the feedback was amazing. Harshini is 17 and had severe fear of crowd, talking to people etc. Her only friends are her mom and grandma. The intensity of this fear was 10. Her mom got the protocol and asked her to try. After […]
How have you been? As you can see, I am busy channelling and teaching… Very cool. My life changed so much in the past two months since I restarted my light key practice with a group of volunteers. I am so grateful for their contribution in my life. The Light Keys system is expanding so much almost on daily basis now. I am downloading so many processes and protocol. One of them is the protocol for healing Abuse/Trauma. I had a traumatic experience as a kid when our home was […]
What would it be like to live free with no blame and no shame? Learn a simple practice to experience just that – Light key protocol for healing abuse and trauma! Join me on Sunday and pay only 33% of the class value: https://www.infinitehealing.co.uk/event/light-key-protocol-healing-abuse-trauma-self-help/ Are you now ready to go beyond the clutches of abuse and trauma and reclaim your power back? Please do not join this call, if you are not ready for the huge shift. Look forward to seeing you on Sunday! Have you seen the video on […]
Thank you for all your support on the launch of the Light key course. I am immensely grateful to all the practitioners who have made a commitment to invest in themselves. I am very touched to receive feedback like this on daily basis: “How does it get even better than this ??? Not only I get an upgrade to the premier economy, also my bag travelled premier economy at no extra cost… It was such a beautifully cute sight that I was sure that I was gonna share it with […]
How are you? Did you enjoy the ’50 questions to change anything’ ebook? If you have not downloaded yet, you can find the instructions at the end of this email. I have been busy – channelling new processes and protocols on a daily basis almost. Feeling really blessed to be able to do this life changing work. Recently, I got a download for healing resentments and so, I decided to write to you on this topic today. If you feel heavy in your body, ask these following questions: How many […]
How are you? Are you creating magic? Last week has been quite eventful for me. We launched the basic Light key course which has been received very well (thank you); Launched a free mobile app to raise your vibration with money (details below); Conducted an advanced course on Light keys and psychic development – All in the middle of moving and taking care of my mom remotely. Phew! That was pretty adventurous and got excellent feedback for all of the above. Tool box Questions open doors and answers close doors. […]
How have you been? Thank you for your appreciations for my last newsletter! Glad it was helpful. I like to share something important with you today – Something that can change your life! In 2011, I channelled a healing technique via Mother Mirra Alfassa and that changed my life all together. I left my job and became a full time healer for two years which enriched my life beyond belief. I have been able to change the limitations at will with this single technique. I did not have the courage […]
How are you? For a very long time, I was wondering why so many enlightened masters suffer with terminal diseases? My point of view was that diseases cause suffering. Fair enough! Or is it? A few years back, when I heard a Buddhist lecture, I finally understood that pain is different from suffering. Pain is physical. Suffering comes from mind’s interpretation of the situation. For eg, if you are injured in an accident, you have physical pain. If you accept the situation as it is without any resistance, you just […]
How have you been? I have been doing a lot – lots and lots, actually! Launched 2 mobile apps, 2 web apps and a youtube channel; Rolled out a new healing system to a controlled group and also started doing prosperity attunements. How about you? What magic have you been cooking? Would you like to be hideously successful? The meaning and value of success varies from person to person. The corner stone of creating huge success is to know what success means to you. Most people buy in to the […]