How you be? It is really long time since I wrote to you, right? Did you ever wonder why? I was struggling – yes, I was. I can hear some of you saying ‘Oh..No…you are a facilitator. You can’t struggle’. What if the change we have been asking for shows up totally differently than we expect? It was an interesting roller coaster ride for me. How does it get any better than that? But you know what, I “got” a lot out of it. More tools, more awareness and more […]
Hi dear ones, Apologies for not writing for long! I went through a phase of not wanting to do anything. Thanks to Access Consciousness tools, went from that to this all of a sudden (From my FB status): //In one week I have done graphics work, prepared advt captions, facilitated sessions over phone, run hands on energy processes, generated content for a website, tested mobile apps, prepared requirements document for a mobile app, came up with some ideas for mobile apps, gave proposal for a website, evaluated resources, transcribed videos, […]
Dear friends, Happy new year to you all. Hope you had a great holiday season and gone back to work. I saw so many sad faces in the FB status about going back to work. What would it take for all of us to get paid for what we love to do? Did you enjoy global bars day broadcast from Access Consciousness? I did. Bars has been a lifesaver for me many times. I was feeling a bit ‘out of sorts’ last week and literally did not have motivation to […]
Dear friends, How have you been? I have been grand, making great changes for me and people who are willing to step up. What else is possible? A mother brought her son in his 20s to me to clear some addictive behaviour. We worked on clearing the entities and the guy was not willing to step up. He was going around in circles for a few minutes and told me that the entities had a message for me and they wanted him to deliver that. I said I was not […]
Dear friends, How have you been? I have been really busy since Access Level 2/3 with Gary Douglas. You may know that I thrive in ‘busy’ness. I had a profound conversation with Shoval Aloni on self, oneness,seeking approval etc. We got to release for seeking external approval using sedona method. I also attended the first call of ‘Curing the Incurable’ series with Liam Philips and Maz Zoulek. Gosh, these boys have some amazing insights on body and health. It was a fabulous call and I am so looking forward for […]
Dear friends, I interviewed Macaya, energy healer and teacher from USA recently. It was awesome experience and his activation of Love & Joy shifted my energy. How did I get so lucky? You could listen to the interview and learn some simple and effective tools of RICH healing and receive the activation too: You can also receive clippings from our web classes from our youtube channel: ************************************************************************************************************ I am celebrating a milestone and like to share it with you all by offering consultation at a reduced price – 30£ […]
Dear friends, How have you been? We had fun with Lightness of Living 🙂 class! Here is a feedback: Lightness of Living ! Really a awesome class ! I will give it a god zillion How did I get so Lucky to attend ? Amazing ! – KN, Malaysia Did you know that it was a 5$ class? Tool of the day I had recently written an article in Access Consciousness, UK newsletter. I just wanted to share it with you all: Lightness of Living Nothing can stick to us […]
Dear friends, How you be today? How is your life expanding? Are you having fun? I have been having loads of fun with teleclasses. Did you choose to attend any of it? The feedbacks are good… sharing just one here: //”I’m gratefull to you Nirmala! and to the access tools and processes. I had a big bang clearing moment yesterday after only 20 minutes of your abundance recording… LOL!… I lyed to myself. HDIGEBTT?Thanks! Last weeks client who paid me 60$ when I asked 200$ for a 3hrs Private session… […]
Working with children has always inspired me. Every time I work with them they blow me away with their knowing and willingness to change. Most of the time, their responses are like, ‘ oh gosh, you just get us… access is our language!’. Children can truly identify with access and thoroughly enjoy the classes. Many children dragged their parents to my bars classes after the Taste of Access class they attended. What grand and great ambassadors are they for consciousness! I would not miss any opportunity to work with kids […]
Hi there everybody, How have you been? I had a blasting tour of consciousness covering Singapore, Malaysia and India. What a grand trip that was! You know what, when I left home for a 3 week long trip, I only had two classes with a few confirmed participants. But I went anyway following the energy and ended up doing classes for 16 days… in fact, at a stretch in 12 days I did the following classes: Taste of access – 2 Bars class -4 Foundation -2 Level1 -2 Expanding your […]