Conscious Embodiment Protocol — A mini retreat with Light Keys and frequencies

Long time! Here is my journey with Light Keys. 1. Inducted 4 more facilitators for Basic Light Key frequencies on 15th August! Welcome Antara - newest addition to Light Key facilitators group. 2. I was a bit grumpy and decided to have a bubble bath with Conscious Embodiment (CE) retreat - lead and received by myself :-) Oh man... it was so profound and relaxing. The layers of unconsciousness we store in our body! Today I cleared all the inculcated points of view from my great grandma who looked after [...]
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Tools for freedom

How are you doing? Would you like to have more freedom? Well “You are only free when you realize”. What if empowerment is an inside job? What if you can shift something that is upsetting you by being present with the current moment, by creating the space of freedom inside you and see the world from that instead of attaching with the problems and energizing them. From this space, you can then see different possibilities. You may like to watch this video “Exercise to invoke inner freedom”. We had full [...]
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Are you overwhelmed because of other entities?

How are you doing? Have you ever felt you don't have control over what you think, speak and do? Keep reading... You will see the link to a useful video at the end of this mail. Are you in entangled universes? If you are very aware, you would know exactly what's going on in other people's universes. If you are attached to these people, you will get very entangled in their universes. It feels like what's happening in their universe is happening in your life but you don't have any [...]
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Would you like to have food as your body’s best buddy?

How are you doing? Would you like more clarity? Are you a fan of access consciousness clearing? You are in luck! Video is at the end. Food as your buddy? How many of you have starved your body in the name of dieting? How often do you run away from the food your body is asking for? What if you can stop all that now? What if you can have food as your body's best friend? What if you can be totally aware of your body's requirements and ingest the [...]
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The one question that changed my body

How are you doing? How is your body doing? Have you misidentified your body as you? Most of us do right? Not only that we allow others to control our body too... how smart is that? Who is creating your body? I have been working with bodies a lot and get so much awareness about them. Yet, sometimes I am shocked at the new awareness and the outcome it creates. Today, when I was doing some self healing, I became aware of the question 'Who is creating your body?' and [...]
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Are you waiting for empowerment?

How are you doing? Did you enjoy the Joyous Body healing video I had sent yesterday? If you did, could you share it with your friends and subscribe to my youtube channel? Empowerment is an inside job I used to think that I did not have freedom as a woman. I blamed it on my family and society when I was growing up. However, I have realized that empowerment is an inside job – no one else can give it to you. You can choose empowerment even in a highly […]

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How to raise above bullies!

How are you doing? If you like to have some rest, relaxation or bliss, you might not want to miss out the video at the end of this newsletter. Raising above bullies Bullies are people who have deep pain. They try to transfer the pain to others by acting out. Truly! Check your life for bullies and look through them. You will realize this. What if instead of fighting bullies, we can raise above their vibration of pain with kindness. It's really simple. Give it a try. Next time when [...]
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Ease and grace for performance anxiety!

How are you doing? Here is my journey with Light Keys. Journeying with Light Keys (11-14 July) 1) Yesterday’s (July 14th) Joyous Body Healing session was attended by people all over the world. Some comments they had on the session: “blissful”“thank you everyone for this blissful feeling”“feel light”“that felt incredible so grateful”“thank u.. very relaxing…”“Thank you for this contribution, for this gift.” Don’t miss to sign up for the free coaching call: 2) I love the way miracles show up! 90% of the time I won’t have all the information […]

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Don’t fit in? Master it!

How are you doing? For a long time, I felt like an outsider on the planet. I never seemed to fit into anything. Did not feel belonged anywhere. Do you resonate with it? Keep reading… Don't try to fit in Yes, I mean it. When you try to fit into a system, you are shrinking your magnificence. Instead - Master it. Raise over it and expand it to serve you. Sounds weird? Let me give you an example. I had loads of interest in media but I did not seem [...]
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What if you can know it all?

How have you been? What if you can just know everything? If you are part of this universe, then the same energy which is driving the galaxies is running your body too, right? So, what if you can be attuned to the universe and know it all? Do you want to know more? Video link is at the end of this email. Light key journey Journeying with Light keys (11-12th July) 1) Conscious Body class created so much shift in the bodies... : "I feel my skin color has changed""Wonderful [...]
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