How are you doing? Did you enjoy the Group Joyous body healing yesterday? It was amazing… here is some feedback: “feeling light..had a sharp shooting pain on my right ovary and suddenly something shifted.been having a heavy head since morning… feeling lighter” “Everytime we attend Group JBP I experience so much relief and feel good… thank you everyone.. Thank you Nirmala Ma’am.” “thank you 🙏🏻 I feel flowing light energy all around my heart“ “Received clarity in some aspects.. Thank you so much…” “Every time I see you I feel […]
How is it going? We have been having too much fun with colouring. India group completed 29 lightlogues in 2 days including a few children! Awesome experience. Every logue gives me an immense sense of gratitude! You know, gratitude heals! If you like to have a lightlogue created for your country for free, you got to just mobilize a group of 21 people living in your country and request me to channel! Simple. After Israel, the USA, India, and the UK have received a lightlogue. Malaysia is in the process […]
How is it going? We have been doing something fun – colouring! This is not only childlike fun but it is also a deep spiritual experience. What is it? I have channeled lightlogues for Israel, USA, and India so far at the request of a group of people and invited more of them to colour the lightlogues and bring more light into their part of the world. India has the biggest momentum. Within a day, we got more than 10 people to colour the lightlogue. Every time I look at […]
How are you doing? Gold is not only a symbol of prosperity, it also has healing capacities. So, I have done a video blessing for tuning into the frequency of gold. The link is at the end of this newsletter. I hope you enjoy! Talking about prosperity and gold, you may still be able to jump into the Prosperity Activation Program that starts in a few hours: The following flowchart will provide the list of Infinite Healing Courses and how they are mapped: Light medicine In about 6 months, […]
How are you doing? We had the biggest paid class in Light key history for Quick Fix protocol. People loved it… see what they are saying: “transformed totally” “fantastic” “l loved it” “easy” “ and light!” “amazing. It’s brilliant” “it’s wow…!!” “so much release” “Nila got a awareness where I was cursed.I saw the situation and cursed to be inflicted with pain.something shifted so much in my body.gratitude for this ease “ “it’s super ‘easy’ and super powerful” “3 cheers to you creator Nila” “quick indeed..awesome..loved it ..thank you so […]
How have you been? Did you enjoy the awakening the kindness video? Did you share it with your friends and family? How grand would it be to activate kindness in every one of us! Activating Prosperity Most of the people I work with come to me with intense desire for something and in a few minutes into the session, they realize that it was not their desire at all. Being brutally honest with yourself is the first step in creating the life you like to live. In the 3 step […]
How have you been? What a call we had on Gorgeous you! It was amazing. Here are some of the messages we received during and after the call: “beautiful experience”“super awesome”“bless you Nila for what you just did with blood…… awesome”“body is heating up.. super awesome crazy”“major clean up”“my eye are very wet. big yawns. my bones say thank u”“feel as if an electric massage is going on my tummy”“feeling blood gushing all over““Feeling in heaven already after today’s call✨✨✨ feeling light, spreading light, being light 🤔😎” You can still […]