How are you? Have you been enjoying the newsletters I have been sending recently? I am here to share more fun stories on my journey. Some times being a psychic is fun for you and may take the fun out for people who like to surprise you. There are times when people want me to guess what the present was and ‘boom‘ the first guess is right. ‘You have a brown colour handbag for me‘ ‘Oh you brought me that sweet today‘ really burst the bubble for friends who wanted […]
One of the questions I often hear from people is whether ghosts are true and whether they can hurt us. My answer is simple: Nobody can hurt you unless you give them permission to do so – whether they have a body or not. Fear kicks in only when you are not willing to be aware. If you are aware, you would know the energies around you and how to handle them as well. If you are interested in developing your awareness in gentle ways, please join me on the […]
As you may know, I have been a medium and channel for many years and many people are fascinated by it; some people ridicule it; some people simply avoid me because they think this is weird. But my work definitely creates inquisitiveness among people. I have talked about what’s it that we receive from the spirit world and how it is like to have friends without bodies in this video: You will find it amusing how my 8-year long grief lifted swiftly when I started training as a medium. If […]
Can you predict the future? How have you been? Thank you for reading and responding to my newsletters. Much gratitude. Many people ask me to predict their future. One of the most common questions is whether they will become rich. The next popular question is they will find their soulmate. There have been times my predictions have been spot on. For eg, when a couple was trying to have a baby, I told them that I saw a baby in two years time and also described how she looked like. […]
How has your 2020 journey started? Empowering I hope! My life has changed altogether in the past few months since we started the trial on light keys. It amazes me how quickly the system has grown in content and reach. The practitioners are now in about 10 countries as far as I know and I get numerous notes of thanks every day. It’s like in a few months I have a whole new family who is there for me like a rock – cheering me, pushing me and being the […]
Have you been wanting to heal yourself or have a quest for healing others? Did you think that you need extensive training or you need to be gifted to be a healer? What if these are just myths? What if all you need to do is practice deep rest and let the universe work for you? As you may be aware, I have been channelling a lot in the past few months and many simple healing methods are being revealed almost on a daily basis to me. These methods are […]
More than ever, at this point of time, more help is available for us to create a new reality. I am becoming more and more aware of this information almost on daily basis. And the simplicity of these tools that are pouring in amazes me. I like to give an example. I downloaded a Light Key Protocol for pain reduction. I tried it on myself and within a few minutes the pain came down from 5 to zero. Tried it on a fellow light key practitioner for her leg pain […]
How have you been? I have been part of many healing groups and I see lots of struggle amongst the healers – both emotionally and financially. I have been there and done that. In fact, when I started my healing work, I used to get sick when I performed hands-on healing. I totally avoided hands-on healing for a few years until I understood what was wrong in my approach. I was trying to heal people no matter what – even if they were not willing to heal. I was giving […]
What does your body mean to you? Most of the people are conditioned to detest the body and settle into expecting suffering from the body. Do you resonate with this? Read on If you have such beliefs, according to the law of attraction, that is what you will create exactly. The whole purpose of your journey on the planet is experiencing the universe through the body. Would you like to shift into having ease and joy with the body? What if you can experience ecstatic living in the body? You […]