Have you ever asked your body to contribute to your finance? You, as a being do not need money. However, your body requires money for food, shelter, clothing etc. Then why wouldn’t it contribute in creating more money? I make deals with my body all the time and it contributes magically. Recently, I wanted a pampering session in a foreign land and I asked my body to contribute to the fees, if it likes to be pampered. Within minutes, some one booked a session and I did take my body […]
Are you ready to welcome 2020 with open arms? I thought I will give you some tips to create the money you like to have in your life. This is my gift to you. Top 5 money creation tips: 1. Get happy: Find a way to be happy. Money follows joy. Make a list of fun things to do and commit yourself to do at least one from the list each day. This is a way of showing the universe that you are committing to have fun and so, universe […]
How are you? I am writing this from India around midnight from a totally excited space of upcoming classes. Each of these classes have certain energy and they play with me all the time. The Abuse/Trauma healing protocol on Sunday (Dec 15th) is like a little rabit that is so dynamic.The ‘You, The Precious One’ class on 16th is a kind nurturing energy.The Light key course on Tuesday is the big energy booster. In fact, this little rabbit woke me up at 3:30 AM last morning (and still keeping me […]
As you may remember, I did a free call on Clearing Energy blocks a few weeks back and the response was so great. We did a very short taster light key protocol and many of the participants loved it so much. Here is one: “After the kindness key exercise I was feeling all warm and could sense lot of energies around. Asked the entities to step out so that I could rest. Was able to sleep after that” As there were only 30% of the registered participants live on the […]
How are you? I have been well and kicking. I’m so pumped up about the upcoming classes and unable to sleep out of excitement. In fact I’m writing this message while flying. I worked straight 6 hours to complete the manual on the flight and still wanted to write to you out of sheer excitement. How does it get any better than this? Golden Earth More and more people receive and practice light keys, the more and more I see the possibility of a golden earth reality. What do I […]
A long time ago, I went to a medium out of sheer frustration in everything about life. His reading was not only mind blowing but also hilarious because he told me that I would become a medium. I could not laugh at him for saying that but I certainly laughed to myself But you know what – till now, I cannot figure out how it happened but I started training as a medium within a month and that journey has been so rewarding. There have been many interesting experiences and […]
Did you find the signature hack article useful? Please let me know if you like me to write/do video on any particular topic. Access clearing for birthing Babies are very close to my heart and I am very lucky with creating babies around me. Many of them let me know that they are coming through even before they come into their mom’s body. It is a privilege to work with/for babies. I thought it would be good to welcome them with joy and fun instead of fear of childbirth. While […]
What are you appreciating today? Are you enjoying the information I am sharing? I would love to hear from you. Can signatures really change your life? I have been doing signature analysis for more than two decades now. Some how, I feel signatures speak to me. They tell me what you think about yourself and what’s going on with your life. Is it some psychic stuff? Not entirely, there is a science behind it. Your subconscious beliefs about yourself showing up in the signature is pretty convincing even for skeptics […]
How are you? How has 2019 been for you and how would you like to create 2020? Most part of 2019 was difficult for me in many ways but I managed to keep up the vibration and Nov has been a month that turned around the energy. Loads of insigts and revelations came through. That’s why you hear a lot from me these days. In the middle of the year I came across Joe Vitale’s course on Ho’oponopono and chose to get certified. That was one of the best decision […]
How are you? As you can see, I have been busy with classes and more creation. We had a great call on clearing energy blocks. The results were amazing. “it’s like i astral travelled. saw visions. some mandala also. ♥ really wonderful. felt pressure in my third eye. ♥ towards the end i felt energy rush downards toward my feet. ♥ ” – Shadd “I feel like travelling in space after calling rainbow frequency.” – Suganya “I went from 8 to 3/2.feeling very light.thank you” – Manpreet If you have […]