Tool of the Day

Dear friend, How are you being today? Are you taking care of yourself well? I am sorry that I have not been writing to you as much as I wish but I am intending to change it this year. I am planning to share self- help tools that I come across to help you with your journey as often as I can. How does it get any better than that? I will also share interesting miracles I create to inspire you to create some. What else is possible? Here is the miracle […]

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How an angel carried my luggage!

Do you know an angel carried my luggage to India? Well, not literally 🙂 but it did happen… I was all set to take off for a 3.5 months travel covering 5 countries. Luggage was becoming an issue because I needed to carry some special clothes for a couple of weddings in India. I was exploring the options to send them by air cargo but was scared by the stories of friends about the difficulties they faced with clearing customs in India. I felt stuck but kept using my favourite […]

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Are you a universal surrogate?

Are you one of the people who like to make others feel better at any cost – even by sacrificing your own wellbeing? If you keep falling sick physically or emotionally, perhaps you are one of the universal surrogates with the tendency to process other people’s stuff. How is it working for you? Are you empowering or disempowering people by “living” their lives for them? I used to be one of those surrogates and after I cleared this program my healing sessions are much expansive and effective. What does it […]

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Beyond imagination… what would that be?

Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, asks if we can imagine something that we do not know about? A beautiful question, indeed. Perhaps, we are limiting the possibilities when we ask for something that we can imagine? So he suggests that we ask for things to show up that are beyond our imagination. One day I was thinking about this and wondered what can show up which is beyond what I have ever imagined. In the next few days, I got to sleep by this stunning stream in a motorhome. […]

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Dolphins responded to me – really :—)

I have been cruising around east coast of Australia for the past 5 days looking at the beautiful islands and sailing over the bumpy waters. Two days back I told my hubby that I wanted to see dolphins in the wild. He did not think that dolphins inhabit this part of the sea. (I must admit he is right 99% of the time) But I insisted, “Does not matter. I just want to see them” and then I called out, “Dear sweet dolphins, you know I love you so much. […]

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A personal invitation

How is life working for you, dear friends? I used to feel like a puppet totally powerless in the hands of life. Do you feel that sometimes? I used to “survive” rather than “live” my life. How do you feel? Does life feel light or heavy for you? At one point of my life everything seemed to go wrong and my friends and family used to wonder why I had been so unlucky in spite of “doing” all the right things! Today, the same people have been saying that I […]

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What does a question bring?

When I started Access Consciousness, asking questions did not seem to work for me. I was puzzled and to some extent irritated when facilitators kept insisting to ask questions. Well, being a very good student (??!!Let us debate about this later :-)), I kept asking and things have started to show up in amazing speed. Let me give you some interesting examples. One fine morning after a very expansive healing session, I posted this message in the facebook: //Though my calendar is filling up fast, I so feel like giving […]

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10 simple strategies to feel better (now 11!)

When you feel low, try any of the following strategies and feel better immediately: 1. Ask yourself ‘What if this situation changes magically as I desire?’ and write in detail how you will feel if it happens, how your environment will be, how your posture will be etc – use your imagination and write down even the tiniest detail that comes to your mind. 2. Collect pictures of places/objects/activities that make you feel happy. Make an album with these pictures and view it when you feel low. Nature, flowers, babies […]

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Diamond alignment

In a healing session today, my guides referred  to Diamond consciousness and asked me to pass on this info to the receiver… I thought I will  share it here as well so that some of you may benefit out of it. I felt a shift a few years back when I watched the 6 min diamond alignment video which can be accessed by registering here, if you choose: What energy, space, consciousness can I and the universe be for the readers of my blog to live their life in […]

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How does it get any better than this?

woooo hooo…. Are you ready for a wild ride? Warning: If you have OCD for perfection, you will really find this hard as this article is likely to have all sorts of mistakes including and not limited to loads of typos 🙂 Apologies to people who are not familiar with Access Consciousness as I may have used some abbreviations that you may not understand. But still it would be an interesting ride… so go on. This articles is dedicated to Rachel, my first bars student, who asked me to share […]

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