Would you like to create the body as you desire?

How are you?How is your body doing? Are you enjoying being in the body? Or do you feel like your body is thrusted on you?  What if you can create the body as you desire? Would you like to know more? Here is the video: If you liked the above,  you may want to check out the below class:https://www.infinitehealing.co.uk/event/conscious-body-protocol-certified-practitioner-course/ Gorgeous You - transcending time  This class was received so well with instant results. See what people say: "An amazing class - I was like WOW Wow wowww most of the [...]
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Who is residing in your body?

How are you? How are you being with your body?Truth: How many people are in your body?Zero or millions? If it is zero, you are not present with your body; If it is anything other than one, then, well, you have company! Question is who is living your body? Intrigued? Join us on the Conscious Body Protocol class on Saturday:https://www.infinitehealing.co.uk/event/conscious-body-protocol-certified-practitioner-course/ See what people are saying about the predecessor of this protocol: “I would like to share my singing has way improved after light medicine sessions and gorgeous you calls as […]

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Would you like a timeless body?

How are you?In this newsletter, I am going to talk about the effect of time on the body. Is it possible to have a timeless body?When you are completely present in the current moment, there is no past and no future.  In that case, would you be carrying the limitations you had in the last moment? Why do we need to buy into the continuum of the time? What if each and every moment is fresh and we can have a clean slate? What if the whole idea of time is an […]

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Are you playing God?

How are you? Does the current pandemic worry you? You may like to see my video 'Are you playing God?' where I have talked about how you can contribute to others by being a clear space. The link is at the end.   Journeying with Light keys 1) As usual, an amazing Awareness Development Circle on Friday where we travelled to different universes - magical experiences along with acquiring new capabilities. There were so many gratitude notes such as this:"Thank you once again for such a journey which can’t be [...]
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Healing for Covid

How have you been? We did a meditation and healing in our group coaching call for the fear on the planet right now. Hope it reached you. Many practitioners of Light Key system joined together to bring more light into the COVID situation and we are on day 5 of 11 in doing some Light work without fixating on the outcome.Here is a sharing: “As I was flowing DHF, I felt the frequency go deep into Mother Earth and activating her Diamond heart!!This then flowed up to every being on […]

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My personal facilitation for you? (Time—sensitive)

How have you been? I hope you enjoyed the silence for 3 days! 🙂 How are things? Are you flowing freely or stagnated? Would you like some support? I am doing a group coaching call today and you are invited to join… no strings attached: https://www.infinitehealing.co.uk/event/free-group-coaching-call-2/ Do you feel rejected by your clients? One of the main problems I have seen with healers and coaches is the lack of clients. I surely used to face this issue but not anymore. What changed? I changed; I changed internally; I changed my […]

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You can be gorgeous right away

How are you doing? Gorgeous you call 4 due on 25th June already started 2 days in advance energetically! So much awareness is pouring in! I myself feel very touched by the questions that are being asked. They have taken me to space where I have not been so far. I can sense where I have chained myself and killed myself for others. Many ‘aha’ moments and a sense of looking at my life and body for the first time through my eyes. Such lightness and love! If you are […]

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When nothing works…

How are you? Did you find some interesting truth about yourself with the hard questions I asked in the last newsletter? If you did, you may like to explore more of your body awareness & embrace lightness through Gorgeous you call on Thursday: https://www.infinitehealing.co.uk/event/group-coaching-may-june-2020-4-of-4-calls/ Light and lightness Many of us are asking for something in order to feel good. However, once you lay the condition for feeling good, you have given away your control. That condition owns you; you have become the slave of that condition. Instead, find a way […]

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Some shocking truths about yourself?

How are you doing?We apologize for missing the link to the video on releasing intensity from the body. Here it is: Are you killing your body? As you may be aware, we are doing a series called 'Gorgeous You'. It attracted many people who like to lose weight - naturally. However, I am so surprised to see the significance of looking slim, at any cost. That brought up so many questions in me that sound very interesting. If you are absolutely honest with yourself while responding to these questions, perhaps, [...]
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Release the intensity from your body

How are you doing? Did you enjoy the silence for a couple of days? 🙂 Well, now I am back with another video. This time to release the pain or intensity from your body. The link is at the end as usual! Magical light key frequencies Everything in the universe vibrates at a particular frequency. When we tune into it, we can receive a contribution from it. We are becoming more and more aware of some powerful frequencies that are available to contribute to us. Light key frequencies have been […]

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