What are you demonstrating with your life?

How have you been? What magic have you created since I wrote to you last? I have been creating like crazy… how does it get any better than this? What else is possible? Miracle story: I have a capacity to sense babies coming in to the world even before they are in the womb. There have been so many experiences where the couple gave up hope aligning with the medical opinion but I was able to sense the babies that were coming through. When these babies are born, it brings […]

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Audio for winning the lottery

How have you been? I have been fabulous. Thanks for asking. The ‘Seducing money’ class was so much fun for me and I am so grateful for the people who joined the call. I got so many new ideas from the class for creating a new product or class called ‘Opening the flood gates of money’. How does it get any better than this? What else is possible? Tool of the day: If you keep creating something that is not working for you just ask yourself, ‘How old am I […]

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Would you like to win lottery?

How are you? I am great and grateful. It has been deliciously busy lately. How does it get any better than this? I have been facilitating loads of new clients. What else is possible? Miracle diary: Last week’s bars class created itself magically – totally unbelievable in this reality. Will share it some other time or come to my classes to hear more miracle stories 🙂 Here is another one that would capture your attention. I am not a regular lottery buyer and perhaps once in 3 months I fancy […]

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Breaking free from the past — Clearing audio

What’s up? Did you miss me and my clearing loops? 🙂 I have been busy doing the tax and sessions.In fact, my Sunday is full on – overbooked! How does it get any better than this? What more magic can I create? Miracle story Here is the video link for another miracle I created: I and my hubby were traveling in Australia a couple of years back. We hired a boat and lived in the great barrier reef area part of the ocean for 7 days. It was a fabulous […]

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Clearing audio for attracting relationship

How magical are you being? I am busy creating more and how does it get any better than that? What would it take for my creations to contribute more to you and the universe? Miracle Diary Oh, yes. I do keep creating magic and miracles – small and large. Wanted to share a funny little one. Last Thursday my body did not want to have anything from my office canteen and wanted a warm vegetable rice from a stall outside. I did not have time to go and get it […]

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MP3 clearing audio for creating money with ease

How have you been? Thank you for the feedback some of you have been sending on the clearing audio. Very grateful. What magic can we create together? Miracle Diary Last week I wanted to attend a Tai Chi class and went to the venue by walk after the work only to find that the school was closed and there was no one in the vicinity to make any queries. I was wondering what to do next and I saw a lady walking inside the school campus and waved at her. […]

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Audio download for claiming all of you

How you be today? Did you enjoy the audio loop I sent last week? Are you playing it in the background? What is changing for you and your body? What magic are you choosing to create? I would love to hear from you. Miracle story For a few years now, I have noticed that people respond to my thoughts without having to say anything out loud but the experience has intensified recently. Last week I kept thinking of listening to the piece on immortal soul from one of Gary’s classes. […]

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Clearing audio for more ease with bodies

How have you been? I have had a good week and I am grateful for all the contribution you have been for me. Many of you have gifted me your requests for the clearing loop and that propelled me to do a video! Wow! how does it get any better than this? There is a miracle story (or stories) here too. Last week when I asked ‘What gift can I be?’ My sweet friend Marina had responded ‘Seeing you would be a gift’. When I posted the video I created, […]

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Gift of Clearing Loops

How you be today? Thank you for so many email responses appreciating my miracle stories. //Your dental healing story was so inspiring, I sent it to a few friends who I thought would appreciate it. You really are an inspiration and I am very grateful for your existence! // //I have missed you, I’m glad you’re back and bringing diamonds of awareness with you.// //Thank you for sharing- that was so inspiring. It reminds me that I can create magic too. // I am very touched. Thank you for being […]

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A Magical Healing Story

How you be today? As promised, I am getting busy and loving it! You have seen my miracle stories, right? I used to create lovely little magic on daily basis. As I shared in the last email, I had stopped being/creating that magic suddenly and went on my own roller coaster ride. I missed my magic and restarted asking ‘what magic can I be? What magic can I create?’ and my miracle showed up as my dental appointment! I need to give you some background before going into the story. […]

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