What magic are you creating? This post is intent to create a wave of kindness. If you are following me on FB, you might already have seen this gratitude note and my intention to pay forward the kindness I received: A few years back I was sitting in a restaurant chatting with friends and casually mentioned that my little finger stayed sprained for a few months. Padmini, who was sitting beside me took my hand and said, “You keep talking. I’ll do some reiki healing”. I had met Padmini for […]
How have you been? Thank you for your responses for the last newsletter. Seems like many of you liked it. What magic are you creating with the tools I shared? Fear is not real So many of us hold ourselves back because of fear – of success, failure, love, attention, responsibility.. you name it! There are some simple strategies you can follow to burst out of fear bubble. Here they are: 1. Recognize that fear is not real. You may feel the fear of being attacked in a crowd but […]
How have you been? What magic are you creating? Miracle story & tool box I am absolutely surprised at my career and how I seem to have “fallen” in to different roles organically. To be honest, I never planned my career path. I went into engineering in order to avoid medicine. I did post graduation in order to avoid my parents marrying me off to someone who expects me to be “normal”. Took a job in a factory in order not to be left out from my batch mates. Many […]
Hope you remember me 🙂 It’s nearly a year since I wrote to you. Hope you are being a magician in your own life 🙂 I have been doing well both in terms of prosperity and personal peace. Did I tell you that I have moved to USA temporarily? That was one of the coolest thing I created in 2018. I have talked about the tools I have used to expand my life in my interview with Naarmada Akshat Pratap: https://instantteleseminar.com/Events/113003508?fbclid=IwAR2HrqDfC2s9q-EoNDalMlCyeX5trBBR74Ror4UHdCqSE1ge_xM15R1Mtco Miracle diary Well, there have been too many miracles […]
How have you been? It is almost an year since I wrote to you and I hope you have created many magic and miracles in the meantime. I wanted to share something very personal with you – I lost my father recently and this was the tribute I posted in the facebook: //He was a man of principle and discipline. I choose to celebrate his life and his new adventure in this infinite universe. By for now, my beloved Appa. You hold a very grand place in your darling daughter’s […]
Miracle diary I thought of sharing the experiments I have been doing with Law of Attraction with you all. I came across Pam Grout’s book E-Squared and was inspired to play with some experiments on my own. The objective of these experiments are just to prove to yourself that you create your own reality and what you choose is what you create. The first experiment suggested by Pam is to ask the universe to send a gift to you within 48 hours. I asked just like I ask my close […]
How have you been? I have been playing with the universe a bit and thought I’ll share some of those stories with you. Miracle diary I was playing the prosperity game recommended by Abraham Hicks for just two days and what I desired actualized. While playing I was choosing to pay off my mortgage quickly and in two daystime, I found some money to pay back my mortgage partially. This is not planned. Well, universe conspired for me to make this happen 🙂 yes yes yes… of course, I am […]
How have you been? I wish you a bright, light and expansive 2017 🙂 2016 was an extremely busy year for me and I am choosing to have more balance this year. So, you should be hearing from me often and receive more audio downloads too. How does it get any better than this? Yes, I do have an audio clearing for creating a harmonious relationship with money at the end of this message. From my tool box I have been playing with a few more modalities like Sujok, switchwords, […]
How have you been? I have been busy with my job and getting rid of my baggages. It’s interesting to observe how much we function from the stories that we store in the bodies unconsciously. By the way, did you listen to the inner child meditation I sent you last time? How did you find it? I have been facilitating inner children a lot recently and wanted to present a session with you that brought a breakthrough for someone. This client created toxic relationships all the time and felt that she did not have […]
How are you all? Thank you for asking for more through emails and phone calls that brought me out of my hibernation. How does it get any better than this? To make up for my long absence, I have an additional gift for you. Read it until the end, ok? Way out of frustration I know some of you have been really frustrated that you keep falling into the pit and/or nothing is changing for you in spite of meticulously applying some of the tools you have learned. My question […]